A Fun Breathing Game for Kids

A Fun Breathing Game for Toddlers
This page includes breath activity and color matching.
This weeks breathing activity at home.
What you need:
- Small pom poms
- Straw
- Two wooden bowl and wooden tray
Tested this breathing activity out again with my home using the straw and pom poms and it still was a success! My daughter held her breath then burst out laughing.It was a good afternoon.I really love this:))
Our second activity is color matching activity.We used colorful pom poms,straw and colorful plastic bowls.My daughter is succesfull

Blow painting art activity
What you need:
- Watercolors
- Pipette
First, I asked students to wear their paint aprons
Then we prepared our watercolors and pipettes…..and have fun
This page includes free painting art activity for kids.Do these art&activities with your students with your child and enjoy.
Children are your future…
You can also send your free arts in this page.