About mother’s day crafts

Mothers are the most valuable beings.
If you ask me which of the books that I have read is the most beautiful one, let me say: It is my mother and today is her birthday. You are my sweetheart, I love you a lot my beautiful mom.
I cannot love and attach to anybody in the world more than you, happy birthday my dear mom.
My safest shelter in this world is our arms. It is my biggest luck in this world that you are my mom. I love you mummy.

You are the queen of our house, our most-respected one. Our precious wealth. Happy birthday mom.
The person who let me experience all beauties in this world, happy birthday to you.
My beautiful mom, I hope one day I can have the chance to show you the love and patience you have shown me. Happy birthday mummy.
I cannot love and attach to anybody in the world more than you, happy birthday my dear mom.
My one and only mom. Happy birthday.
I love you a lot mom
If I can’t show my love to you occasionally,
Forgive me mom
Happy birthday…
My classroom came up with the idea to set up a Mother’s Day table with yummy treats in the front office,best idea ever.All the Moms loved it:))
Mother’s day bulletin board ideas
There are practical,economic and playful activities in this page.