Cat craft for kindergarten

Cat craft ideas for kindergarten
Just fun.Cat craft! I had some sticky backed glittery foam left over and so made this. I used bottle tops to separate the shapes for shadows and a 2-D effect. Card can be used in the same way. Really distinctive shadows are created i you use just If you use white card.
Halloween day crazy cat pocket mirror. I’m thinking of making a devil and pumpkin too what do you guys think? :))

Awe thanks everyone! I miffed the back up a bit but now I know how to do them! He’s my first one.
To make this craft simply use any thick mailing cardboard.Spray paint entire tube if desired, paint a face on the front and add ears as needed, drill holes into the body (with a little arch escape route at the bottom), secure tube with duct tape in an upright position (inside a box or plastic bin is fine), construction paper and ornaments.
You can use old newspaper,wooden clothespin,construction paper and plastic bottle
I really love how you always seem to be working on a whole mishmash of different ideas & projects.I love you students.
Cat craft idea for kids,preschoolers,toddlers.
This page includes alot of free cat craft ideas for kids.Do these pages with your students with your child and enjoy.
Children are your future…
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