Christmas group time activities for preschoolers
Be sure to hit follow for awesome pictures.With big thanks to the original owner Please mention the original photographer in the comments if you know them.
What is better than Christmas activities?(Pinecone christmas tree craft)
I am doing my best to add some Christmas decorations to our home.This one was made by her,I just did the shape and cute the tape.Great fine motor skills development and the beauty of art through the window,the lights…And she was so proud.When she finished it,snow started fall and it was a magical moment.
Christmas fine motor activity for kids
Photo booth fun with these Santa masks.
As part of one of the children’s school projects,to make Christmas wreaths,we worked hard painting toilet roll and cardboard.With snippets of nature and a touch of glitter we brought together our very own.
Today’s art.I love the creativity the children put in this.
Pine cone Christmas trees.All the decorating fun without the stress of decorating an actual tree lol!:)
Another Christmas card design using potato printing and card cut outs.
Baking and decorating shortbread Christmas trees
Christmas ornament crafts
Christmas bulletin board ideas
and others…
Christmas craft ideas for kids