ANİMALSArt ActivitiesCRAFTSUncategorized
Elephant art and craft for preschool

It is a shame to have to think about Christmas before Halloween is over,but such is the life of an always planning teacher! Every year my kids have a tree at school and we make ornaments to decorate it!This year we will have an African themed tree!Theses little elephants are sure to make it shine!
Materials:Cardboard,pipe cleaner,colorful beads,colorful buttons and paints
Today we learned the elephant and the bee song. I planned the activities I wanted to give the big – small concept. This song is really beautiful.Then we did the drama of the song. They dance and try to sing it along with me it’s so cute!The most gorgeous was this cute craft and art activities The children loved to be elephants 🙂 when I went home I will be elephant:)