Foam Puzzle Activity

Homeschool puzzle activity out of foam
Puzzles are always good for children. It let them find ways to place the puzzle piece back into place. They are matching colors and shapes. They are using their fine motor skills. And this is also helpful to get the children ready to start holding a pencil or crayon.
Shapes theme puzzle activity.Then I rushed to the computer, printed a picture, cut it into 2 pcs, then asked C to arrange it and stick it to the white paper.
This page includes a foam puzzle activity that dear mother, Zekiye Bulut Eser, prepares for her beauty with a disposable plate. We thank her very much for sharing these lovely activities with us. Bless your hands and efforts.
You can also support your child’s activities by preparing materials with stuffs in your home, without expense. Have fun!
Soon the puzzle pieces will come together.