Fun and Creative Math Counting Activities for Kids
Preschool Theme Math Activities

There are fun creative math counting activities which dear mother prepares for her child at this page. We thank her so much again for her sharing. You can follow this handsome boy from the instagram page of @esra_selcukblgn. Have fun!
Sunflower Kernels
Wow! This is so beautiful craft and brillant maths learning.So in love with this amazing sunflower.
Game 1:Let’s throw the dice and add the sunflower.
Game 2:Let’s throw the dice and extract the kernels from the sunflowers as many as the number.

Lantern Fish Teeth Counting
What a fantastic activity:)This lantern fish looks great.Such a super fun-loving idea of counting.This is brillant!!So so creative.Fantastic counting board.
Let’s wear the teeth of this beautifully colored angler fish by looking at the number on the lantern.I put tape on the lantern so it can be written and erased .I used adhesive velcro to attach the bean teeth.+3 years
Dragon fruit math activitiy
Great activity! Very cool and creative to craft a dragon fruit, they always look gorgeous! This is sweet and math related.Such a wonderful idea to practice math.
Today we will do a simple math activity with half a dragon fruit. Lets start; Let’s roll the dice first. Let’s paint the seeds of the dragon fruit as much as the + number on the dice, Let’s delete the seeds as much as the – number that comes out.
Flowers Facing The Sun
Beautiful and simple stem activitiy for kids!It look so creative and very clever usage of cardboards.Such a fund hands on activitiy!
Let’s find the flowers that will turn towards the direction of sun rays.Let’s direct the flowers toward the sun rays.She adjusted the card numbers and the direction of the sun’s rays.
Fruit and Vegetable Drying
I love how you incorporated fruits and abacus together.It is so much more fun to do counting that way.Very beautiful an cute game 🙂
In this sunny weather, we hung one by one to dry fruits and vegetables.It is necessary to wait in the sun for a while to dry.Let’s put these sun dried fruits and vegetables in the basket according to the collection list and keep them for the wint.
She prepared this game with the aim of making simple counting, fine motor operation while fruits and vegetables are progressing from the bars, and matching fruits and vegetables according to the list.
Birthday Celebration
This is such fantastic idea for learning counting.Belated happy birthday! Such a cute activity.I like animals so much.Very orijinal and unusual drawings of animals.They look like illustrations from popular children’s books.Activity turned out to be very useful.And I love the idea to make this a counting activity.Birthday party celebrations are such a fun play prompt!
The birthday of our six animal friends is today.We made a cake to celebrate everyone’s birthday.We will put candles on the cake as much as the age of the animals.Let’s start the birthday celebration 🙂