Ice cream count and match

Ice cream counting activities for kids
This page includes a counting game with prepared by me for my sweet girl.We have fun 🙂
In teaching mathematical concepts; fun math activities, game materials and play activities that support the child’s mathematical development should be used.This plan should include primarily concrete objects, then illustrated, eventually containing symbolic material. By discovering, explaining, solving problems and using structuralist teaching methods, mathematics education will be enjoyable and effective.
Child-family business association at an early age is very important for learning mathematics correctly and quickly.Every child has different interests and abilities.The fact that a child hasn’t a lot of interest or ability in mathematics does not mean that he will not succeed in mathematics.
- Green brown cardboard
- Yellow dot stickers
- Marker
- White square label
How to make:Prepare the pieces of ice cream from the green background paper.Then prepare the ice cream cone from the brown background paper and draw lines with the black marker on ice cream cone.Finally, paste different number of yellow dot labels on ice cream.Your child will match the numbers on the white labels with the icecream.