Preschool and kindergarten Mother’s Day crafts and arts
I am really busy at the minute with work and other things but I still like to find the time to do crafts at times like these because I know I love to keep things like this as a little keepsake especially when their little hand prints are on them.
We all know men don’t do it quite like us mumms.
Mother’s day is then less than 2 month away.Looking for a quick handmade gift for that special Mom in your life?
Check out my website and create a unique set of gifts and crafts in just a few hours.
You can use recycled materials like bottle caps,old wrapping paper and scrap paper to make bunches of flowers for Mother’s Day. I can’t believe how different they all look even though they were stemed from the same idea.
Home is where I am with you.We created this handprint heart today to represent our classroom family.We will be adding it to our family wall,along with their individual family photos.
Paint,glitter,sequins and glue
A mother’s day treat made all for you(of course I made one too).
Mother’s Day cards craft ideas
Four and five years old are just too cute.Had to share what a couple of them said when I asked them why they love their mom.
Mother’s Day flowers gift ideas for kids,preschoolers,toddlers,kindergarten
Happy mother’ s day pages