Penguin Shape Match Fun

Penguin Shape Match Fun
This page includes a penguin craft with toilet paper rolls prepared by me for my sweet girl.We had so much fun! This is a math exercise. The child is developing hand-eye coordination, concentration, practicing aiming for a target.
Here is how we made the penguins.
Firstly,we cover our rolls with black background paper.
Then we make the body part with white background paper.
We create the mouth part by following the steps in the picture.
We prepare each of the rolls in this way.

Now we gluing the feet.
Then the wings
Here is how we made the fishes.
First we cut the fish.
Then we prepare the pieces we will use to paste the fish.
And paste glue fish with adhesive. I use cardboard as I want it to be solid, you can use the fridge magnets. So you will not need to use magnets.
Finally we stick the magnets to the fish with silicone.