Pizza craft preschool

P is for pizza.We made shape pizzas.First the kids painted on ‘sauce’ then they added toppings one at a time.After we counted the different shapes.I wrote the number then the kids traced.
Make your own pizza.Arts and crafts style!This craft is perfect for a pizza party or just for fun:)
Learning about fractions and the letter ‘P’ so we made our own puzzles and are having a pizza in pajamas day:)
Homemade pizza,kids loved this set up.They have requested to do it again tomorrow with more ingredients:)
We got this idea from ”Pinterest”.Awesome Valentine’s day craft,thank you.We did not have and paper plates so we just used paper.
Pizza craft for ‘P’ week,with the toddlers.One of my children’s fave art project to do:)
You have a pizza my heart:)
Staying at home or school doing pizza craft
Decorate a pizza.
Making pizza with fun assorted materials.
Paper plate pizza craft idea for kids
Reycled materials pizza craft for preschool or homeschool