Puppet craft and project ideas

Puppet craft and project ideas for preschool and toddlers
Making wooden spoon puppet crafts for C’s preschool project! (This was taken before the glitter came out and a sparkly dust coated everything in sight!!) Is the very late:)What a lovely idea .
Benefits of this crafts and projects:
- Imagination and creativity
Social & emotional skills
Language skills
Fine motor skills
I love this!! Puppet crafts are my absolute favorite because of all these wonderful benefits you mentioned
Today we made wooden spoon puppets.I think She and I had as much fun as the kids

What is your child’s favourite puppet to play with?
We would love to see pics of your kids playing with puppets
Puppet craft making for children
Children in preschool loves to play with the puppet, . He’s putting himself in the puppet’s place, empathizing. Sometimes he describes himself and sometimes reflects the behaviour of his surroundings.