Story spoons

Who knew that drawing feeling faces on plastic spoons can be so much fun.In today’s Creative Expression class we further explored feelings and told stories about feelings using the Spoon people.Our theme for this term is Emotional Intelligence.
The Scarecrow’s Wedding story spoons.All raddy for sharing.
Today we were creative:)
Back at it again with the story spoons.All ready for this week’s traditional tales
Life of nursery nurse 🙂
She did it.They look amazing:)
She is going to attemptPiggie and Gerald spoons too…so stay turned:)
The mouse saw a nut and the nut looked good…
Gingerbread Man story spoons

The Gruffalo Story…
I have made for work.I am terrible at drawing so this a huge accomplishment
A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood.
Today’s work.If you work with young children .You will understand.
And others…