Telling the time clock projects for school and students
What a great idea
My students have been interested in time, so I want to follow their lead and introduce the basics of time concretely to their.
Today we talked about the parts of a clock; numbers, the hour/minute hand (anyone else still call it the big and little hand?!?), and different types of clocks and why we need to know the time of day. .
Now C asked if she could get a watch to tell time…I see where this was going!
Love this!! So pretty:)
Preschool owl theme clock project
Tick, tock ,tick, tock.
As a kid,I struggled a lot with the concept of time and it was not until I was 11 that I finally learnt how to read an analogue clock.I love this idea and think it would have benefited me greatly on my journey.I love that the little flaps reveal the 5 minute counting rule,the saving grace in my time telling journey.I’d love to add sections about past and to onto this as well.Definitely could be utilised well in a classroom.
The time is always right to do what is right.
Even artificial clock shows us right time,so respect the real one:)
Clock made by my pretty students…for the project work and is selected for annual exhibition at her school.Owl theme clock craft activity..
What you need:
- Glue and scissors
- Clock printables
- Construction paper(pink,orange,red,white,black)
- Googly eyes (I didn’t use)
I like funnycraft ,you’r better